Monday, June 11, 2012

And then...a title.

I took this picture this past Spring while out on a walk in my neighborhood. Flowers were blooming everywhere. Each corner I turned down welcomed me with the brightest colors and sweetest scents. After months of gray skies and rain during the winter it felt like a new beginning and a sense of hope began to rest on my shoulders.

At the time I had already written a handful of songs that I later realized all had a running theme, a new beginning. Previously most of my songs had been about love, loss and desire; but this time around I noticed the words focused inward on the self. I began to explore new sounds and instruments. Not a huge departure, but subtle accents in sound and harmony that set me on a new path.

A few nights after I took this picture I stayed up really late working on a new song. I was having really bad writers block and hated everything I was coming up with. Finally, I just went back to the basics. Simple chords, simple melody, and the lyrics came naturally. Maybe I was inspired by the season and the life that was growing around me, the lyrics were short and simple and heartfelt, about letting-go and that moment when you need to change the path you are on. I wrote it in 10 minutes and called it "The Shift." From it came the title of the EP, "In the Light of Morning."

The Shift
I realize I've fallen
And everything we made
I cannot save
I cannot save

And only in these moments
It brings a shift inside
And in the light of morning
We came alive
We came alive

Til then, we fall
Til then, we fall
Til then, we fall

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