Thursday, July 26, 2012

Writing Christmas songs

It's probably too early to talk about the Holiday Season with the sun shining so brightly out and the fact that we haven't even gone past Labor day yet. However, A project has come up for me to either write an original Christmas tune or cover a classic. In the moment I responded with, "Yes, I'll write my own." I knew exactly what I was stepping into. A big writing challenge. What may come about might be the biggest cheeseball song of them all, but I hope not.

I have tried once before to write a Christmas song a few years back but it didn't stick. It is about as difficult to write for me to write a Christmas song as it is for me to write a traditional love song. I mean those really sappy songs too that you hate to admit it but are really good. It runs the risk of being uber cheesy (snow, reindeer, mistletoe) or being oddly too contemporary where basically a pop song gets the word love changed for Christmas (wink-wink). There is a small...very teeny-tiny window where it can work; where the melody and lyrics harmoniously find a home together. So I am throwing down Barney Stinson style and said "Mission Accepted!"

In the meantime, I am digging up some old Christmas pics and videos from my childhood for inspiration. This one scene from "Frosty the Snowman" always gets me. I think it has something to do with the little kid who cries out "Oatmeal!" when trying to think of names for Frosty. I can't help it. I had to share.

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